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Mester Virágkötők - Connecting florists

We are for florists. We represent and bring local florists together through communities, inspiration, profiling and marketing so shoppers can connect with the best and most talented florists.

We have close relations with breeders, growers, traders and the whole floral industry so we promote great connections, exposure, new products and innovation.

A Network of florist communities!

Through our web sites, social media groups and pages we connect 50'000+ florists together locally and internationally. Every day there are thousands of interactions between florists in our communities. Each day hundreds of inspiring designs and discussions are shared.

Services for florists and customers.

We provide a free florist map and profiles with a portfolio and contact form. We're also active in the areas of florist inspiration, marketing advice, tools, services, local meet-ups, educational events, and profiling and promoting florist businesses to consumers.

Breeder, grower, trade, florist and consumer connections.

We work with breeders, growers, wholesalers and all parts of the floral chain to foster mutual success working together with florists. We provide services for those partners to reach florists and consumers in contextual and relevant ways.


❝De vakbloemist will fight for the interests of local florists❞

"De Pook" - Dutch florist magazine (issue 2015 #5)

❝The ultimate goal is to create a new type of florist service organisation - not an order gatherer.❞

2017-08-02 Dutch - Flower Factor en Master Florist gaan samenwerken

❝Master Florist will make the world a better place for florists around the world.❞

Tina Kjaer, Denmark.

❝Love the floral community!❞

Beata Kaas EMC, Canada.

❝I really appreciate to be with you in this inspiring group Master Florist!❞

Sarah Breidenstein, Sweden.

❝I am a Swiss florist and work for the largest adult education school of Switzerland. It is my goal to boost the industry and I fight for collaboration between florists.❞

Thomas Spiess EMC - Switzerland.

❝We love Master Florist ❤❞

Max Hurtaud, France.

❝Love to be part of this big flower family of so many talented people from all over the world.❞

Tuula Lokka, Finland

In the news/media